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This thread has been created for end users to discuss the topic of compatibility between the PTZOptics camera line and OBS production software.

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Hi Mark,

I am glad to here that OBS NDI plugin release you found seems to work. I do want to point out for others that may be reading the forum, I think you may be using a release that is an offshoot of the main OBS NDI Plugin or it could be a beta release. I have seen both discussed in the OBS forums. 

The main plugin is still being worked on for compatibility with OBS 28.0.

I am using NDI, but a stable release of the obs-ndi plugin was just released for V28. I upgraded to 28 today and found another dockable PTZ control plugin for OBS. I would prefer to use the one designed for PTZOptics, but I will work with this for now. Sounds like OBS really didn't give a lot of heads up for this upgrade, there are a number of add ons that aren't functional.

While you are updating the control plugin, I would recommend making it dockable. It's much more convenient to use than having it over part of the screen. Thanks for the reply!

Hey Mark,

Unfortunately, I do not have any sort of solid ETA for an updated OBS control plugin. Hopefully, we can have something released by the end of the year.

If you are not using NDI, I would recommend updating to the latest version of OBS and using the Standalone control app

Hi Joachim,

That is not our plugin so I am not sure if it is compatible with our cameras or if the recent OBS update broke that plugin as well.

Colin, is there any timeline on release of an updated OBS plugin? That's the one thing preventing me from upgrading OBS at present.

Hello Colin

would it be also a solution to install the plugin: PTZ controls v0.12.0-pre5 found on OBS page?

Hello Maaike, 

We are aware that the latest OBS update seems to no longer support the control plugin. 

You can either roll back your OBS version to 27.2.4 and continue to use the plugin. You can find previous releases here

Or you could use our free standalone control app while we work on a fix.  The standalone version uses almost the exact same interface as the OBS plugin version. 

Hi there! I just installed an update for OBS (28.0.1), and got the message that the obs-ptzcontroller plugin can't be loaded. Could there be a compatibility issue? For now I'll use the app, but it would be nice if it would work again in the future.

I can concur that Wesley's solution works for me.


You enable hotkeys for the camera selection

Ryan, I don't know if you fixed this or not. But we had the same issue and how I fixed it was by adding a noise suppression filter to the audio in OBS. Just play with the slider until the hum is gone! 

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Is there an OBS plug-in that will work with a USB PTZOptics 20x in USB mode?

Hi Ryan,

Let's see if we can;t help you eliminate that low buzzing sound.

Look at your gain staging and make sure that nothing is too hot resulting in bringing the noise floor up as you're describing.

I would use the "Flat" "Mode" option on the MVi and then adjust the level from the front panel to try and eliminate the buzzing.

Investigate the cabling to make sure there aren't any bad connections / connectors and damaged cables in the mix.

Lastly check that the MVi is set for an appropriate level within Windows Sounds Settings

I hope that one of the above options works to solve this issue... if it does not please let us know and we'll be happy to continue assisting.

I've recently set up the producer kit on OBS. I'm using the Shure MV1 as an audio input. It is connected to our sound board via an XRL mic cable. When we record or stream online there is a low buzzing sound in the background. Is there a way to get rid of it?

Hi David,

Which Magewell product are you using with the PTZOptics camera?

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